Taking Care of Your Pool or Snooker Cue


Taking care of your snooker cue or pool cue is a very important part of maintaining it’s quality and longevity. Regardless if your cue is old or new, following good care routines can keep your equipment feeling good, and help you perform at a better, more accurate level.

What Are The Main Parts of a Pool or Snooker Cue?

There are 5 main parts to a snooker or pool cue that are useful to know when reviewing our tips on proper cue maintenance; the tip, the ferrule, the shaft, the butt, and the joint.

Tip: The contact at the top of the cue which hits the ball first. There are different sizes and firmness levels
Ferrule: The ferrule of a queue is the spine of the tip, often the white area just below the tip, which helps manage the vibrations from striking the ball through the queue
Shaft: Typically made from wood, the shaft is the top of the body of the cue that will rest on the less dominant hand when positioning a shot
Butt: The butt is the 2nd half of the body which is gripped by the stroking hand to generate the cueing motion
Joint: The joint is at the very bottom of the cue, connecting the butt to the shaft, helping to protect the cue from damage

How Can I Check That My Cue Is In Good Condition?

Keeping your cue in top condition will ensure you can perform at the highest level. You may have picked up a second hand cue and want to test the condition, so here are the main things to be aware of:

  • Loud connection when striking the ball: Can be caused by excess build up of dirt in the joints, causing bad connection on the ball
  • Is your cue straight?: A snooker or pool cue must be perfectly straight. Roll it on the table, the motion should be smooth with no bumps. A warped cue may be caused by joint damage or temperature exposure and will badly affect all shots you hit
  • Sticky or dry, irritable shaft: Won’t indicate damage, however a sticky or dry shaft will need to be treated with a raw linseed oil to make it suitable for use

Top Tips for Maintaining Your Snooker Cue or Pool Cue: The Do’s and Don’ts of Cue Care

  • Keep your cue in a top quality case when travelling. Accidental bumps in transport can cause considerable and irreparable damage to the cue, so a tailor-made cue case is essential. When at home, take your cue out the case and hang it - leaving a cue in it’s case for prolonged periods can cause the cue to conform to the shape of the case
  • Carefully clean the joints of the cue. Dust can easily accumulate and cause bad connections when hitting shots. Use a dry cloth to clear out any dirt
  • Don’t lean your cue against a wall at any angle. There’s a reason professionals leave their cues on the table between frames - cues can easily fall over and get damaged
  • Avoid extreme temperatures with your cue, high heat and humidity can cause the cue to warp or swell, while excess moisture or cold can dampen the wood. Don’t leave it next to a radiator or in a damp room
  • Don’t use sandpaper or any abrasive cloth to clean your cue. Snooker and pool cues are coated in an oil finish for a smooth motion in your hand, brash cleaning can remove that finish leaving the cue dry, sticky, or harsh against the hand, affecting your motion. Re-coat with a raw linseed oil and a dry cloth, leaving the oil overnight to soak in. After this, you can buff the cue for a shiny and smooth finish
  • Be aware of your cue tip and change it as soon as it needs to be changed - when the tip is damaged, prolonged use can extend the damage to the ferrule and shaft, making it more costly to replace

How Long Should a Snooker or Pool Cue Last For?

With the proper care and attention, a snooker cue or pool cue can easily last around 5 years of regular use. Cues can be expensive, so having to replace them often because of accidental damage is not ideal. Make cue maintenance a regular part of your playing routine. Check the joints and parts before playing, and clean & wipe down your cue after you play.

Shop Cues at Greaves

Whatever your game when you hit the table, we have a range of snooker cues and pool cues to help raise your game. A quality cue that is properly maintained and cared for will last you a long time and is a great investment for any regular player. Make sure the only break you’re experiencing during a game is with the balls on the table, and not the cue!

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